ACE Tasks

When accomplishing tasks, you will be able to collect points and redeem rewards. There are one-time tasks and repeatable tasks.

*Last Updated: 12 November 2024

5 Points

Join our community on Facebook

Join our Indonesian community on Facebook

Join our unofficial WhatsApp Group (Indonesia)

Join ACE's unofficial whatsapp group to learn together before going to level 1 here:

Create an Assemblr account

Create an account on Assemblr/Assemblr EDU/Assemblr Studio. Do not report multiple accounts.

Join our unofficial WhatsApp Group

Join ACE's unofficial whatsapp group to learn together before going to level 1 here:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Send a feedback (Indonesia)

Give feedback and ideas about this ACE Community through the following form:

Share stories on your Instagram/WhatsApp

Receive 5 points for every 5 story shared. A maximum of 5 shares on any social media per day. Provide a picture and a detailed description. If it does not meet the criteria, points will be deducted according to the completeness of the post. Please provide screenshots of every shared stories in one report.

Start a new topic/post on social media (Max 5 posts)

Write an informative description with an image of your topic/post on social media. You are eligible for 5 points for every post. Please send us a screenshot and link of your post in one report. Short descriptions will not be approved.

Like and comment

Receive 5 points for every ten posts liked and commented. Maximum of 20 posts on any social media per day. Provide screenshots of every liked and commented posts in one report.

Send a Feedback!

Provide insights and feedback via monthly ACE Community feedback form or ACE meetup feedback form.

Report bugs

Report a bug through our Bug Report form.

Start a new topic/post on social media (2 posts)

Write an informative description with an image of your topic/post on social media. You are eligible for 5 points when you make two different posts. Please send us two screenshots of both posts in one report. Short descriptions will not be approved.

Refer ACE program to your colleagues

Receive points for every colleague joining the ACE Community through referral code (only available when you reach level 4).

10 Points

Reached level 1

Reached level 1 and joined the official WhatsApp Group of the ACE Community.

5-Star Review for Assemblr EDU!

Give a 5-star rating and a good review for the Assemblr EDU App on the Play Store or AppStore.

5-Star Review for Assemblr!

Give a 5-star rating and a good review for the Assemblr App on the Play Store or AppStore.

Install Assemblr EDU app

Install Assemblr EDU app on your phone, tab, or iPad.

Install Assemblr app

Install Assemblr app on your phone, tab, or iPad.

Participate in an ACE challenge

Receive points for participating in ACE challenges.

Level-up an unranked member

Receive points for every unranked member that you can help to reach level 1. Please screenshot their level up email when submitting for progress report.

Invite more attendees to your webinar

Receive points for every 50 attendees to your registered webinar.

Suggest a list of 3D assets

Receive points by suggesting a set of educational 3D assets on Assemblr EDU with a minimum of 10 objects. Fill in this form to request

Create a class on Assemblr EDU

Receive points by creating a class on Assemblr EDU with a minimum of 10 students and share a project or lesson plan to it.

Participate in online/offline events

Receive points for participating in online/offline events.

Create a video tutorial

Create and post a video tutorial on Assemblr EDU on Youtube. Set your tutorial as "Public", add "Assemblr" to the title and #assemblr #assemblrEDU #augmentedreality #augmentedrealitytutorial to the video description. Please follow the criteria to receive points.

Create a lesson/project

Create an impactful, informative yet interactive lesson, using the Assemblr EDU Editor. Please follow the criteria below to get approved:

  1. The text on the project can be read clearly
  2. Use 3D objects from the library or upload your own
  3. Write a detailed and clear description of your project on the description box
  4. The project's thumbnail must be filled with images related to the project
  5. Use annotations to describe the object
  6. Use interactive features
  7. Include the project's link on your report

If your project surpasses the standard requirements, you will receive more points!

If your lesson/project is not qualified, we will have to reject the report.

Participate in an Assemblr challenge

Receive points for participating in monthly challenges.

Participate in a user test

Receive points for participating in user tests, provided by our UX team. We will contact you personally via Whatsapp or email.

15 Points

Moderate a webinar

If you're a moderator of a webinar, you will receive points! Send us the recorded video through Youtube or multiple screenshots of you co-hosting the webinar. Also, you need to send us the event poster 2 days before the event. Points will not be given when you report the poster, but when you report the documentation of the event.

Earn points from moderating webinars! Submit:

  1. Recording of the meeting via Youtube or Google Drive.
  2. Screenshots of you moderating the webinar.
  3. Event flyer.

Documentation must be submitted via maximum 1 day before the event.

You will not get points if the progress report does not meet the requirements.

20 Points

Formulate a lesson plan

Create a teaching module/RPP/Lesson plan project in accordance with the applicable curriculum. You can use this template The approved criteria are as follows:

  1. The project must be created by you and must be an education-related project.
  2. Project is based on the existing curriculum
  3. The information provided must be clear and concise
  4. You are allowed to report a maximum of 5 Projects in a day
  5. Create a unique and fun learning experience in the classroom
  6. Maximize the use of AR Asssemblr EDU features in the project
  7. Include AR Marker/Custom AR Marker and project link

Duplicate projects will be given lower points.

Projects that do not meet the standards will also be given lower points.

Projects will be rejected if you do not include a project link and do not meet the requirements.

Be a guest at our live session

Be our live guest with Assemblr EDU Team on Social Media.

Formulate a lesson plan

Write down a lesson plan based on the curriculum. The lesson plan template is in your Teacher's Kit folder. Criterias for an approved lesson plan are such:

1. The lesson/project has to be made by you and has to be education related project
2. The lesson plan is based on an existing curriculum
3. The information given must be clear and concise
4. You are allowed to report no more than 5 lesson plans a day
5. Create a unique and fun learning experience in the classroom
6. Maximize the usage of Asssemblr EDU's AR feature on the lesson plan
7. Include the QR marker and project's link

Please note that duplicated wordings on the lesson plan will be awarded with lesser points.

Lesson plans that do not meet the standard will also be awarded with lesser points.

Your lesson plan will be rejected if you do not include the project's link and does not meet the requirements.

Create a classroom activity

Host an online or offline classroom activity (project, quiz competition, event, challenge, etc.) using Assemblr EDU, and let your students participate. Record or document through photos or videos of your classroom activity while using Assemblr EDU/Assemblr Studio and write a description of the whole activity. May it be online or offline. Kindly take screenshots, pictures or video recordings of the activity and also send us an explanation of how the activity works. Please use this format when submitting a report:

Date of activity:

Location of activity:

A detailed description of activity:

You may receive more points if your activity surpasses the standard.

If photos/videos and descriptions are not properly addressed, you will not receive points.

Get your lesson featured on Assemblr EDU topics section

If your lesson meets all the requirements (interactive, informative and well made), it will get featured on Assemblr EDU. Our team will inform you that your lesson is qualified for a feature on the topics page. To claim your points, kindly send a report on being featured and send us a creenshot.

Write a blog post

Write a well-written, informative and well presented blog post on any topic related to Assemblr EDU. Please note that the minimum paragraph required for a blog post are a minimum of 4 paragraphs. Please note that all the topics on your blog posts are purely written by you. We do not accept articles that are taken from other pages or sources. If your blog post is less that 4 paragraphs, then we will adjust the points accordingly.

30 Points

Create a post-webinar to-do task list and give out certificates to attendees

If you created a webinar/seminar/workshop, applied some to-do tasks, and give out certificates for the attendees, you will receive points! Create an accessible Google Sheet, including the name, email, and country of each attendee that is doing the tasks and receiving certificates as a part of the report. Please give access for us to review the task page (invite these emails and if the platform you're using is private).

Be a co-speaker at an exclusive offline workshop/presentation/seminar

If you're one of the speakers of a shared offline seminar/workshop, you will receive points! Send us the recorded video through Youtube or multiple photos of you co-speaking at the seminar. Also, you need to send us the event poster 2 days before the event. Submit your poster here:  Co-speakers are speakers that are also included in the event poster. If the co-speaker is not included within the poster, then they are not qualified for points. Points will not be given when you report the poster, but when you report the documentation of the event.

Be a co-speaker at an exclusive webinar

If you're one of the speakers of a shared webinar, you will receive points! Send us the recorded video through Youtube or multiple screenshots of you co-speaking the webinar. Also, you need to send us the event poster 2 days before the event. Submit your poster here: Co-speakers are speakers that are also included in the event poster. If the co-speaker is not included within the poster, then they are not qualified for points. Points will not be given when you report the poster, but when you report the documentation of the event.

50 Points

No items found.

Become an Assemblr Partner Trainer

Become a trainer of Assemblr EDU external program. Influence Assemblr 3D/AR technology through Assemblr EDU channels or partners.

Win the ACE Challenge

Win a monthly challenge, share it on social media, and report the results to ACE Dashboard.

Become an ACE of the month

Influence other people and be the go-to person for Assemblr EDU to be an ACE of the month. Your performance will be reviewed by our team every week. to claim the points, please send us proof that you are chosen as ACE of the month and send it as a report.

Invite 100 members on your community (Facebook group, Telegram group, or WhatsApp group)

Earn points every time 100 members join your Assemblr EDU community (Excluding the first 50 members). Include the ACE Community group link that you have. If the link is not provided, we must reject the progress report.

Points are only valid for 2 ACE Community groups that you have.

60 Points

Be a speaker at an exclusive offline workshop/presentation/seminar (does not apply for more than one speaker)

Create your very own offline workshop/presentation/seminar about Assemblr EDU/ACE/Assemblr Studio (this does not apply for more than one speaker). Kindly record your offline workshop/presentation/seminar, upload it to Youtube for us to review the process, and send us the link. If you could not record the offline workshop/presentation/seminar, kindly take pictures of the webinar along with the speaker and participants. Also, you need to send us the event poster 2 days before the event. You will not be qualified for points if you do not provide a record, pictures of your offline workshop/presentation/seminar, and event poster. Submit your poster here:  

Be a speaker at an exclusive webinar (does not apply for more than one speaker)

Create your very own webinar about Assemblr EDU/ACE/Assemblr Studio (this does not apply for more than one speaker). Kindly record your webinar, upload it to Youtube for us to review the process, and send us the link. If you could not record the webinar, kindly take multiple screenshots of the webinar. Also, you need to send us the event poster 2 days before the event. You will not be qualified for points if you do not provide a record, screenshots of your webinar, and event poster. Submit your poster here:

100 Points

Create an Assemblr EDU community on Facebook/WhatsApp Group

Create a public community on the Facebook group with a minimum of 50 members. Only groups with active posts, group banner/logo, and well-explained group descriptions are qualified to receive points. Don't forget to use the name "Assemblr EDU" in the group title. When reporting, kindly send us the link to your community. If the link is not provided, we will have to reject the report. Please remember to maintain your community.

Create an Assemblr EDU Discord for your students

Create a server on Discord with a minimum of 50 members. Only servers with active posts, group logo, and well organized channels are qualified to receive points. Don't forget to use the name "Assemblr" in the server title. When reporting, kindly send us the invitation link to your group. If the link is not provided, we will have to reject the report. Please remember to maintain your Discord server.

Create an Assemblr club/extracurricular at your school

Create an Assemblr club/extracurricular at your school with a minimum of 10 members. Please show some evidence of membership or a list of students that have joined the club/extracurricular and a list of planned activities/schedule. Please contact contact if you need guidelines and more info.

Create an Assemblr EDU WhatsApp/Telegram Group

Create a group on WhatsApp or Telegram with a minimum of 50 members. Only groups with active posts, group logos, and well-explained group descriptions are qualified to receive points. Don't forget to use the name "Assemblr EDU" in the group title. When reporting, kindly send us the invitation link to your group. If the link is not provided, we will have to reject the report. Please remember to maintain your group.

Create an Assemblr EDU community on Facebook Group

Create a public community on the Facebook group with a minimum of 50 members. Only groups with active posts, group banner/logo, and well-explained group descriptions are qualified to receive points. Don't forget to use the name "Assemblr EDU" in the group title. When reporting, kindly send us the link to your community. If the link is not provided, we will have to reject the report. Please remember to maintain your community.

Invite Assemblr EDU's 3D/AR training to your school.

Bring Assemblr EDU's immersive 3D/AR training to your school! Elevate the learning experience with cutting-edge technology and engage students in interactive, educational content. Contact us via Instagram for the training proposal.

Become ACE of the Year

Influence other people and be the go-to person for Assemblr EDU to be an ACE of The Year. To claim the points, please send us proof that you are chosen as ACE of The Year and send it as a report.

Subscribe your school to Assemblr EDU

Subscribe your school to Assemblr EDU's yearly subscription plan (School Premium Account). Visit to learn more!

Are you ready to join our community?

Don’t forget to submit your progress!