Assemblr EDU

Transform your classroom into digital playgrounds. Create a fun, magical learning experiences in just a few taps.

Engage your students better

Ignite curiosity and enhance understanding by making lessons feel more real in 3D & AR. Be it human cell structure to the seven wonders of the world, any lessons can be simulated in every angle, real time.

Bring your class closer, together

Simplify your way of teaching with tools designed to make the class more collaborative. Set up classes according to subjects, so it’s easy to share materials, collect projects, and see what’s going on.

Prepare Lessons In A Minute

Access dozens of lesson plans, modules and educational contents, all ready to present in AR. Or express yourself with 1000+ free 3D objects to choose from, and enhance them with 3D texts, images, and videos.

Share Your Knowledge To The World

Get a QR marker image to share your lessons as scannable AR anywhere. Wanna go paperless? Showcase it on your very own Assemblr profile for others to enjoy. Receive feedbacks from all over the world.

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seru & berarti!

Manfaatkan Assemblr EDU untuk maksimalkan pembelajaran.

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